好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打
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推薦好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打文筆平凡而生動,
令我深陷其中、欲罷不能、愛不釋手的佳作! 看完還讓我回味無窮!
好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打誠意推薦給大家看喔!
好看的社會科學好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打全書的內容大意
好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: More than any other treasure, Shijing 詩經 contains the historical roots of China, from which much of modern culture grew. From a lovelorn young man to an aging woman spurned by her wedded husband, from an elder statesman admonishing a young sovereign, to foot-soldiers facing the unspeakable fate of sacrificial burial, the love and war in Shijing serves as a key to unlock the cultural roots of Ancient China.
The book presents the reader with a fascinating glimpse of the peoples of Ancient China by analyzing many poems in Shijing and discussing aspects of culture and events reflected in the poems f博客來書店rom a wide range of disciplines, including archeology, ethnography, history and linguistics.
Reading this book will enhance the general reader’s knowledge of Chinese culture as well as familiarity with the language as a “bare-bone”. Minimalist English translation is used which enables readers to get closer to and gain a better sense and flavor of the original text.
博客來網路書店作者簡介William S-Y. WANGWilliam S-Y. WANG was Professor of Linguistics at the University of博客來 California in Berkeley for 30 years. He was elected to the Academia Sinica in 1992. In 1973, he founded the Journal of Chinese Linguistics, the first international publication in the field, and continues as its editor till this day. Currently he is Research Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
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- 新功能介紹 作者: William S-Y. WANG
- 出版社:香港城市大學 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2013/04/01
- 語言:英文
好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打
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好用嗎Love and War in Ancient China—Voices from the Shijing(詩經)推廌強打